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Prince of Persia The Lost Crown Uplay CD Key EU

Dash into a stylish and thrilling action-adventure platformer game set in a mythological Persian world where the boundaries of time and space are yours to manipulate.
Prince of Persia The Lost Crown Uplay CD Key EU
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EUR 49.99

EUR 59.99

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Plataforma: UPLAY PC
Etiquetas: ACT
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Dash into a stylish and thrilling action-adventure platformer game set in a mythological Persian world where the boundaries of time and space are yours to manipulate.

Unleash your inner warrior!

Use your Time Powers, combat and platforming skills to perform deadly combos and defeat time-corrupted enemies and mythological creatures. Acquire and equip new Amulets at shopkeepers to play as you see fit.


Lose yourself in the prodigious Mount Qaf!

Discover a cursed Persian-inspired world filled with bigger-than-life landmarks.

Explore a variety of highly detailed biomes, each with its own identity, wonders and dangers.

Use your wits to solve puzzles, find hidden treasures and complete quests to learn more about this corupted place.


Live an epic adventure!

Immerse yourself into a Persian mythological fantasy through an intriguing and original story.

Cross paths with colorful characters to better unravel the mysteries of Mount Qaf.


Embark on a carefully crafted experience!

Enjoy high quality graphics, immersive cinematics and fresh Artistic Direction, along with a unique gameplay fluidity thanks to 60 fps rate on all platforms.

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